If you require translations in any other language, please contact [email protected]
Parent/Carers Hub
Autumn 2024
Non Pupil Days |
Monday 4th September Tuesday 5th September |
Term |
6th September – 20th October |
Half Term Break |
23rd October – 27th October inclusive |
Term |
30th October – 15th December |
Christmas Holiday |
18th December – 1st January |
Spring 2024
Non Pupil Day |
2nd January |
Term |
3rd January – 9th February |
Half Term Break |
12th February – 16th February inclusive |
Term |
19th February – 28th March |
Easter Holiday |
28th March – 12th April inclusive |
Summer 2024
Term |
15th April – 24th May |
May Bank Holiday |
Monday 6th May |
Half Term Break |
27th May – 31st May inclusive |
Term |
3rd June – 19th July |
Non Pupil Day |
Friday 28th June |
School meals are cooked at Okehampton Primary School and transported for serving . All pupils in Keystage 1 and Foundation Stage are entitled to free school meal. Menus are made available to parents to make weekly selections. Children are also able to bring packed lunches into school but this must not include sweets or fizzy, sugary drinks.
Eligibility Criteria for Free School Meals
Section 512 of the Education Act 1996, as amended, places a duty on maintained schools, academies and free schools to provide free school meals to pupils of all ages that meet the criteria.
Who is eligible for free school meals?
Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
How to apply
Apply through the Devon Citizens Portal. This is the quickest and easiest way to apply and will result in you getting an instant decision. Alternatively, call the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019.
Friends of Lydford Primary School
All parents are automatically members of the Friends of Lydford. The association has been established to promote the school, to organise events and to raise funds for the school. They have been able to fund many important purchases. We hope you will be able to support their events throughout the year and sometimes to offer your help.
The FoLS Committee
Chair |
Tash Maskell-Metcalfe |
Vice-chairs |
Kerry Maskell- Metcalfe |
Secretary |
Katie Eastmond Hannah Butler |
Treasurer |
Emily Ware Elizabeth Lenton |
Communications |
News, Events and Fundraising
Here you will find details about our planned events, successes and of course the great things that our funds raised go to!
Please join the FoLS Facebook page to keep up to date with all fundraising activities -FOLS- Friends of Lydford Primary School | Facebook
Please bring any donations to school on the morning of the collection as we are unable to store.
Some collection bags will be available shortly but if you would like to get started on sorting your donations, they will collect black bin liners.
By getting involved in our Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided – this can include adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, handbags and soft toys, (please refer to http://uk.bag2school.com/ for full details). In addition to raising much needed funds it will also raise awareness amongst the children of the benefits of recycling and reuse.
Don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!
Please join the FoLS Facebook page to keep up to date with all fundraising activities -FOLS- Friends of Lydford Primary School | Facebook
Please bring any donations to school on the morning of the collection as we are unable to store.
Some collection bags will be available shortly but if you would like to get started on sorting your donations, they will collect black bin liners.
By getting involved in our Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided – this can include adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, handbags and soft toys, (please refer to http://uk.bag2school.com/ for full details). In addition to raising much needed funds it will also raise awareness amongst the children of the benefits of recycling and reuse.
Don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!
Breakfast Club
A Breakfast Club is available every day from 7.50am. Children arriving between 7.50am and 8.30am will be provided with breakfast. The costs for this is £3.50 per session. Pre-booking via School Gateway is necessary.
Breakfast club can be paid using the government tax-free childcare scheme.
Breakfast club can be paid using the government tax-free childcare scheme.
Tree Tops Pre-School
Out of school care is provided by Treetops After School Club and Treetops Holiday Club, in the neighbouring village of Bridestowe. Children can be collected from Lydford School by arrangement with Treetops After School Club.
Please also see our after school clubs page.
We welcome volunteers from the community to our school and hope that you will enjoy the enrichment that working with children can bring. However, all volunteers must undergo a strict recruitment process in a similar way to staff recruitment.
A completed application form is required; all volunteers will be required to submit appropriate information to acquire a DBS certificate, which may include a copy of their passport, driving licence and two other forms of identification which may be bank statements, utility bills or other governmental letters/statements, which cannot be more than 3 months old.
Volunteers must adhere to all the policies and procedures applying to the primary school environment and therefore you should be prepared for some training and a great deal of reading. If successful, the volunteer will be required to undertake a short interview with the school Principal and furthermore an induction process regarding our safeguarding procedures.
A completed application form is required; all volunteers will be required to submit appropriate information to acquire a DBS certificate, which may include a copy of their passport, driving licence and two other forms of identification which may be bank statements, utility bills or other governmental letters/statements, which cannot be more than 3 months old.
Volunteers must adhere to all the policies and procedures applying to the primary school environment and therefore you should be prepared for some training and a great deal of reading. If successful, the volunteer will be required to undertake a short interview with the school Principal and furthermore an induction process regarding our safeguarding procedures.
Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives and of their education. The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.
E-safety forms a fundamental part of Lydford’s safeguarding and child protection measures. Keeping children safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online. Online safety is a core aspect of our school curriculum. Your help at home is also needed to prevent children accessing inappropriate material at home by way of filters and parental controls.
In school, all new pupils are asked to sign an acceptable ICT working agreement where children take responsibility for their online actions.
The Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust have a comprehensive ICT policy which addresses technical firewalls and other professional measures to keep children safe, but at Highampton School we also feel it is important that the children themselves learn to keep themselves safe online.
The School Acceptable ICT Working Agreement is below:
E-safety forms a fundamental part of Lydford’s safeguarding and child protection measures. Keeping children safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online. Online safety is a core aspect of our school curriculum. Your help at home is also needed to prevent children accessing inappropriate material at home by way of filters and parental controls.
In school, all new pupils are asked to sign an acceptable ICT working agreement where children take responsibility for their online actions.
The Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust have a comprehensive ICT policy which addresses technical firewalls and other professional measures to keep children safe, but at Highampton School we also feel it is important that the children themselves learn to keep themselves safe online.
The School Acceptable ICT Working Agreement is below:
Help for Parents
Please note that no search engine is ever 100% safe but below provides some links to some “safer” search engines:
Research searching
Image searching
Research searching
Image searching
Websites for More Information
CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the abuse and exploitation of children in the real and ‘e’ world. Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on the button, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.
Vodafone have produced a Digital Parenting Magazine which informs parents about the various technologies children are accessing today. There is information on Facebook settings, Xbox360 settings, Blackberry controls, jargon busting and many more 'How to Guides'. Well worth a read!
Vodafone have produced a Digital Parenting Magazine which informs parents about the various technologies children are accessing today. There is information on Facebook settings, Xbox360 settings, Blackberry controls, jargon busting and many more 'How to Guides'. Well worth a read!
The “Thinkuknow” website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre.
Here you will find information and resources to help you support your child to have a happy and safe online experience.
After School Clubs
Autumn Term 2024: 3.30pm-4.30pm
Mon |
. |
Tues |
Multisports SATS for YR6's |
Wed |
Cooking |
Thurs |
. |
Fri |
Lunch Clubs
Morning Club Autumn Term 2024
Mon |
Breakfast/Hand Bells from 8.30am |
Tues |
Breakfast |
Wed |
Breakfast |
Thurs |
Breakfast |
Fri |
Breakfast |
Children must attend school from 8.50am to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Student Illness
If a child is ill or unable to attend school for any reason, parents/guardians (only those with parental responsibility) must contact the school by telephoning or emailing before 9am and advise of the reason for their child’s absence (ie cough/cold/vomiting).
Parents/guardians must advise the school on the first and every day of absence due to illness.
In the case of vomiting or diarrhoea, all children must remain off school for 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea, even though they may appear recovered.
Trust Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy Appendix A
Parents/guardians must advise the school on the first and every day of absence due to illness.
In the case of vomiting or diarrhoea, all children must remain off school for 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea, even though they may appear recovered.
Trust Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy Appendix A
Holidays/Absence Including Medical Appointments
If a parent/guardian wishes to organise a planned period of absence for medical reasons such as a hospital appointment or for social reasons such as a family holiday during term time, they must apply to the School Principal using form S2 which can be collected from the school office or downloaded below. Any letter or communication from the medical facility should be attached to the form. The Principal will consider the request and grant authorisation or not accordingly. Parents will be provided with a copy of the Principal’s decision.
- 8.50 Registration
- 9.00-10.30 Lessons
- 10.30-10.45 Break time
- 10.45-12.00 Lessons
- 12.00-1.00 Lunch break
- 1.00-2.30 Lessons
- 2.30-2.45 Break time for FS and KS1 only
- 2.45-3.30 Lessons
- 3.30 Home time
Where a school activity is considered an integral part of learning, such as classroom activities then parental consent is considered as given.
Parental consent is required for certain activities and such consent will be requested either at the beginning of your child’s learning journey with the school or at the beginning of the club.
Examples of these consents include but are not limited to:
If parents withhold their initial consent and subsequently change their mind, then a simple email to our admin office indicating your consent in writing is all that is required.
Parental consent is required for certain activities and such consent will be requested either at the beginning of your child’s learning journey with the school or at the beginning of the club.
Examples of these consents include but are not limited to:
- To change your child's details if necessary
- Use personal photograph/image
- Provide emergency medical treatment including first aid
- Transport your child by staff/volunteers
- Take your child on local visits (usually by foot)
- The use of certain computer programmes for home learning eg Teams/Dojo
If parents withhold their initial consent and subsequently change their mind, then a simple email to our admin office indicating your consent in writing is all that is required.
Uniform Expectations
The school uniform is as follows:
PE kit
- White polo shirt
- Red school jumper or cardigan
- Black/Grey trousers/shorts skirt or pinafore. Black shoes.
- Grey or red tights, black, grey, red or white socks.
- Optional red school fleece
- Optional red and white checked summer school dress.
- Red school sun caps are provided by the school for the summer
- You are recommended not to provide open-toed sandals during the summer due to Health and Safety concerns.
- Children should not wear make-up, jewellery or nail varnish to school at any time.
- Waterproof trousers and wellies for forest school
PE kit
- Red school t-shirt
- Black/Grey shorts
- Black/Grey jogging bottoms
- Trainers or plimsolls
- Clean socks
Buying Uniform
Uniform is available to buy online at Shoolwear Direct's website.
Under the DMAT Policy, our School is unable to administer any medicine to a child that has not been prescribed by their doctor.
In order to administer any medicine, the 2-page Medicine Administration Form must be completed in advance by the parent. You can collect this from the school office or print it out below.
In order to administer any medicine, the 2-page Medicine Administration Form must be completed in advance by the parent. You can collect this from the school office or print it out below.
If a child requires an asthma inhaler, ideally one should be given into the safe keeping of the teacher for the required period and another kept at home. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the inhaler is taken home and taken back to school (if appropriate) or it is replaced when low or empty and that it has not exceeded its expiry date.
Communications and Payment Gateway
SchoolGateway is a secure, online payments system for all payments for all school meals and payments and consents for trips and events. It is also our text messaging system for urgent text messages e.g. if clubs or fixtures are cancelled, and our email application for notification of payment/consent requests.
To register, simply sign up for a School Gateway account by visiting www.schoolgateway.com. Enter your current email address and mobile number (these must match the primary contact details you have registered with the school) and select the “Send PIN” button. A PIN will be sent to your mobile phone. Use this to log into your new School Gateway account. With your SchoolGateway account, you will be able to view payments, made, see when your child has had a school meal, and check your balance.
Please download the SchoolGateway app (ios and Android) – it saves the school money when we contact you.
To register, simply sign up for a School Gateway account by visiting www.schoolgateway.com. Enter your current email address and mobile number (these must match the primary contact details you have registered with the school) and select the “Send PIN” button. A PIN will be sent to your mobile phone. Use this to log into your new School Gateway account. With your SchoolGateway account, you will be able to view payments, made, see when your child has had a school meal, and check your balance.
Please download the SchoolGateway app (ios and Android) – it saves the school money when we contact you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will emails get to me and what will they look like?
The emails will arrive in your inbox at your email address just like any other email and will have the school’s name in the “from” box.
Will I get any advertising spam?
No, your contact details are not shared with anyone except the school office. You will only receive messages from School Gateway that have been sent by Bridestowe Primary School.
What if I change my email address or mobile phone number? Please contact the school directly and inform them of any changes to your contact details - or better still, use the SIMS Parent Lite App to update your details.
Can I reply to emails or texts?
No, you should contact the school office.
The emails will arrive in your inbox at your email address just like any other email and will have the school’s name in the “from” box.
Will I get any advertising spam?
No, your contact details are not shared with anyone except the school office. You will only receive messages from School Gateway that have been sent by Bridestowe Primary School.
What if I change my email address or mobile phone number? Please contact the school directly and inform them of any changes to your contact details - or better still, use the SIMS Parent Lite App to update your details.
Can I reply to emails or texts?
No, you should contact the school office.
Class Dojo
Home Learning in the event of non-attendance (Covid19)
All children are expected to attend school, but if they are required to stay at home due to Covid19 restrictions the school will provide Home Learning. This can be accessed via Class Dojo or here on our school website.
Thank you for your support.
All children are expected to attend school, but if they are required to stay at home due to Covid19 restrictions the school will provide Home Learning. This can be accessed via Class Dojo or here on our school website.
- Home learning should be completed daily during term time.
- Work will be set by the class teacher if your child is in isolation.
- Please post completed learning in your child's portfolio on Class Dojo daily for the class teacher to see.
Thank you for your support.
Class Dojo usage
Class Dojo is an online learning platform where we have set up your classroom community ready for remote learning. It is an excellent way to stay in touch with staff and to see pupil learning. Classes can be shared with other teachers in the school and school leaders so that learning can be shared.
Class Story
Class Story is where we will share photos, tutorials and files to aide learning with ALL families. This private feed is viewable by the parents and students, through both parent and student account. Your class teacher will post weekly planning as well as tutorials, worksheets etc to assist remote learning.
Teachers may use Class Story to:
Comments under posts in stories are visible to all, so these should be appropriately positive and polite in tone. Queries or requests for support with any problems should be addressed to the teacher using the messaging service or through emailing or telephoning the school office. The school reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments from posts if necessary.
Please ensure that any photos you upload are appropriate and that your child and family members are fully dressed.
As always, if you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Head of School or any safeguarding lead directly and do not raise these through Class Dojo.
Portfolios is a digital portfolio that allows students to share with their teachers and family! Students can add to their portfolio using Chromebooks, laptops, and iOS/Android devices, even from home. Teachers can view and approve student work on Portfolios using any device. Once approved, only parent accounts connected to their student can see those particular posts and both parents and teachers can leave positive feedback in the form of a like and/or comments.
Messaging allows you to communicate with every family in your classroom. Available on the internet and iOS/Android devices, it allows you to send messages, photos, stickers, and voice notes to parents (without giving out your phone number). Messaging is also a way to connect directly with your child’s teacher or the Head of School. Messages should be directly related to teaching and learning.
Class Dojo's Privacy Policy can be viewed here
Class Dojo is an online learning platform where we have set up your classroom community ready for remote learning. It is an excellent way to stay in touch with staff and to see pupil learning. Classes can be shared with other teachers in the school and school leaders so that learning can be shared.
Class Story
Class Story is where we will share photos, tutorials and files to aide learning with ALL families. This private feed is viewable by the parents and students, through both parent and student account. Your class teacher will post weekly planning as well as tutorials, worksheets etc to assist remote learning.
Teachers may use Class Story to:
- Record up to 8-minutes tutorial lessons
- Post challenges and learning updates
- Share links to learning sites to keep pupils practicing their skills
- Upload attachments like worksheets and other printables for families to complete at home
- Read stories to the class
- Share photos of the wider curriculum or similar to engage learners
Comments under posts in stories are visible to all, so these should be appropriately positive and polite in tone. Queries or requests for support with any problems should be addressed to the teacher using the messaging service or through emailing or telephoning the school office. The school reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments from posts if necessary.
Please ensure that any photos you upload are appropriate and that your child and family members are fully dressed.
As always, if you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Head of School or any safeguarding lead directly and do not raise these through Class Dojo.
Portfolios is a digital portfolio that allows students to share with their teachers and family! Students can add to their portfolio using Chromebooks, laptops, and iOS/Android devices, even from home. Teachers can view and approve student work on Portfolios using any device. Once approved, only parent accounts connected to their student can see those particular posts and both parents and teachers can leave positive feedback in the form of a like and/or comments.
Messaging allows you to communicate with every family in your classroom. Available on the internet and iOS/Android devices, it allows you to send messages, photos, stickers, and voice notes to parents (without giving out your phone number). Messaging is also a way to connect directly with your child’s teacher or the Head of School. Messages should be directly related to teaching and learning.
Class Dojo's Privacy Policy can be viewed here
If you are a parent/carer, we hope you will find the following web links below useful:
Governance Link
Dartmoor Federation Primaries Academy Committee - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Vacancies
Vacancies - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Feedback and Complaints
feedback - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Annual Accounts
Annual Reports and Accounts - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Trustees & Governance
Governance structure - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Devon County Council Admissions
School admissions - Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)
DFE PE and Sports Premium
PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Devon County Council SEN
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Local Offer and vision - Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)
Governance Link
Dartmoor Federation Primaries Academy Committee - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Vacancies
Vacancies - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Feedback and Complaints
feedback - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Annual Accounts
Annual Reports and Accounts - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Trustees & Governance
Governance structure - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Devon County Council Admissions
School admissions - Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)
DFE PE and Sports Premium
PE and sport premium for primary schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Devon County Council SEN
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Local Offer and vision - Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)
- Department for Education - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
- Devon's Family Information Service
- Action for Children Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
- BBC Bitesize Fun activities to help children at learn more key subjects.
- Department for Education Articles and advice for children and young people.
- Parent View
- Parent Info Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online.
- UK Safer Internet Centre E-safety tips, advice and resources.
- NSPCC Online Safety Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
- Childnet International Parents and Carers information to keep your child safe online.
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