Whenever opportunities arise in forest school, the children are quick to offer a helping hand and/or words of encouragement to each other. This shows an increasing awareness of their own capabilities and understanding the needs of others. It is so rewarding to observe the children supporting each other spontaneously.
Class 1 and 2 have enjoyed a variety of forest school crafts and artisan activities this term, from buddleia beads to clay boggarts (the old mythical name for goblins!), using a range of natural materials. This has encouraged intrinsic motivation and manual dexterity and also allowed the children to follow their own ideas and creativity.
Class 1 are aware that most of the planting and development of our Forest School site has been done by Class 2, so they were very excited to be able to plant a Silver Birch tree, just inside the entrance gate, to mark the final part of creating our forest school. In addition to this, each child also planted a bulb around the tree. Being involved in the planting and development of the site helps the children to foster a natural curiosity and interest of the forest school environment and to take an active part in it's care.
There are always jobs to do to make sure that the forest school site is kept growing and developing in a healthy way for all the flora and fauna within it. Class 2 are eager participants and love to plant, support, fix and nurture. This means they become totally invested in the site and are able to use their initiate, problem solve and develop their own skills in a variety of ways.
Class 1 spent time collecting a range of natural materials from around the forest school site, then created their own amazing transitional art. The end results were inspirational!
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September 2024
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