Class 1 are awarded stickers for great team work, outstanding work and fantastic behaviour as a class. When they have filled their chart they have earnt a class treat.
On Thursday 23rd June after suggestions and a vote for what they would like as their reward, Class 1 enjoyed a disco followed by a few games of musical statues. They have already chosen a 'wheelie day' for their next reward.
On Thursday 16th June Class One visited the National Marine Aquarium as part of their science topic. They enjoyed a fantastic interactive tour of the aquarium followed by a rockpool safari at Mount Batten Beach where they discovered lots of marine life. It was a fun filled experience which has really enhanced what they have been learning in the classroom.
Children due to start school in September 2022, enjoyed their first session in forest school last week. Class 1 children showed them around, shared their knowledge and explained what forest school is all about. Water play and shady willow den activities were particular favourites in the hot sunny weather.
The whole school is thoroughly enjoying singing lessons with Mr Arnold. Mr Arnold is a professional singer and music teacher who is very generously volunteering to come in to school every Monday morning.
Well done to our cricket team who played magnificently at the recent Cup finals. They scored over a hundred runs in the competition and were very credible runners up.
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September 2024
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