Year 3 children from Lydford and Bridestowe Primaries took part in a STEM Coding Workshop at Immersion Games in Okehampton. Using Lego robots, students worked in a group to complete different tasks exploring the uses of coding and programming in a fun and engaging environment. The children were a credit to their schools and were proud of their achievements.
Wildlife Champions get together at Meeth conservation area with The Devon Wildlife Trust. May 20223/8/2022 The early summer sun shone on Lydford Primary school's wildlife champions, as they joined other small school wildlife champions, to explore Meeth Quarry conservation area, under the excellent guidance of The Devon Wildlife Trust experts. The children experienced pond dipping, studied butterflies & dragonflies, learnt about fabulous creatures in the depths of the ocean (theoretically!) and put their fire lighting skills to the test using steel strikers.
On Thursday 16th June Class One visited the National Marine Aquarium as part of their science topic. They enjoyed a fantastic interactive tour of the aquarium followed by a rockpool safari at Mount Batten Beach where they discovered lots of marine life. It was a fun filled experience which has really enhanced what they have been learning in the classroom.
Staff and pupils welcomed families and guests from our community, on Thursday 9th June, to join us in celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Celebrations began by planting four trees in our school playing field, as part of the Queen's Green Tree Canopy Scheme. These trees will offer shade and wonderment to our children and children of future generations; in addition to being a fabulous enhancement to our school environment. The four trees were Birch, Poplar, Beech and Hornbeam. The children enthusiastically sang a song especially written for the platinum jubilee; a commemorative plaque was put in place and Reverend Brook blessed the trees. This was followed by all the children being presented with personalised platinum jubilee mugs; which were most generously given by the Lydford village jubilee fundraising group. The National Anthem was played and celebrations were brought to a close by everyone enjoying delicious home baked cakes, buns and biscuits and cups of tea, very kindly donated and served by parents and friends of Lydford school. The showery weather only added to the occasion, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.
Emily, from The Devon Wildlife Trust, joined our wildlife champions to go on a very exciting mini-beast hunt. The children were introduced to the micro habitats of some very tiny creatures that live beneath logs, under leaves and in flower heads. Detection, identification and classification were great skills for the children to learn; they will share their new knowledge with their classes during forest school sessions.
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